Friday, September 24, 2010

Montage Project

During the process of this project, I was rather confused as to what had to be done, considering that I was absent when the montage was assigned. I made several other montages but wasn’t satisfied with the results. As I was doing the assignment, it was difficult because I didn’t know what tools we were able to use. All in all, this was a hard assignment for me. I know I could’ve done better. No more absences for me!

For the project, I used various techniques like the layer mask, move tool, brushes, text, and how to manipulate color.

1 comment:

  1. Judith Cortes has a very well created montage the first thing I had noticed was all the color’s used. Just by looking at this image I can already see what this person is trying to convey with the audience or viewer. The message or theme is to dreaming and think big and the images coming out from where her head helps think that. Also, the use of all the many colors really helped in this image for when a viewer is looking at this image and is taken by it from all its many colors and shapes used.
    I could honestly see nothing wrong with this image no need for improvement nor addition to. My only question is was the colorful images drawn by this person, if so how old did it take to create this? I very much like how all the little images and shapes were put together and placed by her head and it looks as if this girl is really dreaming. The image manipulation in her project was very good because of her colors were chosen very well not to dark or too bright they mixed very well and blended right. The montage really looked as if you took a lot of time to do this overall done well.
