Friday, February 25, 2011

Face Tutorials 2




  1. The first thing I noticed about this image was the hair. It is detailed and looks realistic. The hair on this person was done really well, I can tell they spent a lot of time working on it. I also, notice that the face is done really well. The person paid attention to detail and shadows, which is not at all easy. It's also obvious that the person did this image from scratch and worked on every detail herself, which is the objective of this assignment. Overall, the portrait is amazing and really well done.
    As for the website organization, pages on portraits are missing, but everything else appears to be in place and organized.

  2. This picture is fantastical, <=(not a real word), but the thing that make this so good is that you didn’t just make the face, you made the whole body, and I think that really took it to the next level. I also like how the hair really stands out, compared to the other characteristics of the body. The face is another thing I'd like to talk about, it shows some emotion, and I thought that was kind of cool, although creepy... it's still cool.
    All and all this is a great photo, very creative and thought out. Hope to see more of your work in the future.

  3. The final image looks like a master piece. Everything in this picture looks like it is done correctly. I don't know if you drew the image yourself as well, but if you did, NICE! I just have one more thing I would like to say.
    You have proved to me that you take advantage of your work. Not only are your drawings awesome, but your animations as well. So keep it up, you’re doing a wonderful job!
